Post #2 Corona Virus 101…. The Facts… let’s unpack them, shall we?
👉Fact #1:
NOTHING is secure about the statistics being presented…. NOTHING.
Current stats as of Friday 3/6/2020…….
101,714 confirmed cases and 3,461 deaths from the coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak as of March 06, 2020, 18:05 GMT….. remembering that this doesn’t even include mild cases that haven’t been tested or were tested with a false negative. If the rational person were to factor in the false negatives AND the mild cases that aren’t even tested at all…… the conservative estimate of deaths vs illness would be <0.1%, with most of those deaths having primary serious health issues already. (more on this in a later post).
👉 Fact #2: Corona Virus….. A cousin of the common cold virus with a ground zero in Wuhan China….. although strong evidence suggests that contrary to popular news coverage, this particular virus likely originated in a high security lab at the University of North Carolina several years ago. As is common practice, scientists from another part of the world (Wuhan, China in this case) bought into the research, and took some of the findings back home with them. #thingsthatmakeyougohmmmmmm
Additionally, this particular virus has, within its DNA, the written chimera (ie: a grafting) of an RNA snip of one of the HIV retroviruses…. something that is impossible to achieve in nature. Again,….. #thingsthatmakeyougohmmmmmm
This does NOT mean someone can get HIV from this virus… (so don’t go there mentally), but it does indicate manmade tampering and a “gain in functionality” which means the virus transmits more easily than the traditional common cold virus.
FOLLOW THE MONEY: This is a multibillion dollar business (if not trillion)…. Approximately 20 companies are vying for the right to make a vaccine….. whomever “wins” will make billions of $$$
👉Fact #3: Don’t compare to 1918 spanish flu or any other historical plague like event…. They were all Pre antibiotics, pre- better hospital care and most importantly…. before we had better hygiene practices.
👉Fact #4 251,000 deaths per year due to errors in medical care, 3rd only to heart disease and cancer…. WHY are we not talking more about THESE things? THIS topic should warrant pandemic alarm…. and all we hear are 🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗.
👉Fact #5 National Institutes of Health’s infectious disease chief, Dr. Anthony Fauci, said, “The mortality rate (of Covid 19) looks like 2% to 3% but could be much lower if many mild cases or infections with no symptoms are going undetected.” SARS proved fatal in about 10% of cases. The flu’s mortality rate is only 0.1% btw this year.
👉 Fact #6 Pollution (external and therefore internal) and the role it plays in disease and immune support…China has among the world’s most dangerous air pollution… Ya’ll…. have you noticed that even when there isn’t a pandemic virus in China, many citizens still wear face masks?
👉Fact #7 Smokers…. China, and some of the newer harder hit countries are still heavy smokers. In China, an estimated 354 MILLION people still smoke regularly. #healthhabitsmatter
👉Fact #8 the Germ vs Host Theory
I can’t take credit for this well written piece…. but it hits a homerun in truth and it’s THE reason I implement toxin free living suggestions in my health coaching. Either you are or you are not living this way. There really isn’t much of a gray area here.
“The big difference between the two is this: If your garbage piles up in your home for weeks or years, you will invite pests, rats, cockroaches, mice, ants…all sorts of unfavorables to your home. The Germ Theory states we need to continually bring something in to kill the pests, while the host theory states, “Hey, how about we take out the garbage?”
Dr. Julian Baldor, a surgeon, in a speech before the Florida League of Human Progress, talked about Dr. Bechamp as one of the greatest scientists of all time. He said, “Dr. Bechamp proved that our bodies become hosts to a germ only after chemical and mechanical changes have damaged our system and that as long as our bodies and tissues retain a high vitality and resistance, a germ, infection or disease will not make progress. Furthermore, the disease organism will not survive after its entrance into a healthy organism. For example, we see flies on a manure pile, and other parasites also. Some of these parasites may be dangerous and capable of producing disease under favorable circumstances. If, however, we remove the pile of manure, the parasites disappear at the same time. Which do you think is the more intelligent: To fight disease by swatting flies or removing the pile of manure?”
Pasteur was better connected, more well-spoken, and wealthier than Bechamp. When it came down to it, these proved to his advantage when their two scientific papers went up against each other. Pasteur won out, paving the way for the Germ Theory to gain in popularity. Bechamp fell into disfavor and his books listed on the Index of Librorum Prohibitorum (the index of books prohibited by the Catholic Church).”
👉Fact #9 …5G – What in the world? What does faster stronger cell phone reception have to do with the virus? This topic is for another post another day…. but understand this…. regular exposure to 5G very much has MUCH to do with how easily people contract a virus or bacteria. Wuhan was one of the first countries to roll out 5G and they have over 10,000 cell phone towers in their city. The citizens of the city simply cannot get out from under that radio frequency…. that frequency affects us at a cellular level. This (in addition to the pollution/toxin load) is VERY important to keep in consideration. #unplugregularly
…..more to come friends. Stay tuned.😘
xoxo ~ liz