Post #6 CV 101…… What we Know to be True about Viruses (aka…. the care and feeding of a virus).
What?!? You don’t want to care and feed a virus of any sort?
Well, then….. let’s set the stage for what it might look like to create an inhospitable environment should a virus want to step foot into your personal space. π
Please refer to Post #5 for Action Points #1 & #2 ’cause I’m just gonna dive right in to…….
Plan of Action #3: Viruses (in general) cannot set up camp and unpack their “bug in” bags unless some things go awry in a body βΊοΈ
If a virus enters into your personal space, one of the first things its going ask itself is this:
“Does this body have impaired glutathione production?”…. or is it gonna put up a fight?”
What the what? I thought we needed a strong immune system to fight off any viruses? Yes, that you do. But let’s unpeel a layer of that onion shall we?
Glutathione is something our body manufactures in every single one of its cells. It is often considered the most important cellular defense/ antioxidant that allows the body to prevent and fight infections and disease.
It also plays a crucial role in immune response, DNA repair, and the detoxing we must be doing constantly to ward off the damage done by medications, household (or other) chemicals, radiation, & our own metabolic wastes.
(Ya’ll… if we are laden with these wastes, chemicals, and broken DNA…. ain’t no way we will be able to effectively fight off bacteria, viruses, and destructive toxins that constantly assault our body).
Normally, glutathione is recycled in the body…. except when the toxic load is too much of a burden, and/or the simple building blocks (which I will talk about in a bit) are lacking….And that is where trouble happens.π¬
Who might have impaired glutathione production? ….well… glad you asked!
π΅π΄ The elderly
π The vaccine injured (another topic for another day)
π₯ Those with acidic internal environments (Remember, we need to be constantly striving for a slightly alkaline body pH…. all diseases…. including viruses, love an acidic environment)
π¬ Smokers
ππ Those who are nutritionally deficient. Not to make light of the current virus situation, but 1 in 5 deaths in the USA is related to nutritional deficiencies…. that’s 11 million people a year friends. π³ #easilypreventable
ππ Those who are on certain medications. Some meds deplete glutathione in the body…. and this acquired deficiency usually gets misdiagnosed as a side effect (and more medication is prescribed instead of correcting the deficiency …. heavy sigh)
If you are taking medications in any of the following drug classes, you’ll want to pay special attention to how to help improve glutathione production:
πAcid Blockers (ex: Nexium, Pepcid, Prilosec, Protonix etc)
πAnalgesics (ex: Acetaminophen or any product containing acetaminophen including Hydrocodone)
πAntacids that contain Aluminum (please, in Jesus name, do not knowingly consume Aluminum anyway! π
πCertain Antibiotics (including amoxicillin, zithromycin, cephalexin and related, doxycycline, quinolones, and sulfamethoxazole )
π Anti-inflammatory meds: (NSAIDS, Steroids, and Aspirin)
π Diuretics (ex: Furosemide and HCTZ)
π Birth control and synthetic hormone replacement therapy
Ugggh. That was a long list π
How might we go about improving glutathione production, and in the process…. improve our immune function? #wehaveourways
We need a sulfur donor! Sulfur (not to be confused with the drug class “sulfa”) is required in our very DNA, and it’s a major building block needed for Glutathione production.
Common sulfur food sources include broccoli, kale, collards, cabbage, cauliflower, and watercress, and raw milk. Sadly, our soils (even on many organic farms) are depleted of minerals due to farming practices, so supplementation is a really good idea.
One of my most favorite YL supplements is called Sulfurzyme. As you might guess from its name…. it’s a rock star sulfur donor. π I take it for a variety of reasons that I’m not even gonna go into today, but cannot imagine my life without it, especially now that immune health is a pertinent topic these days.
π Secondly, glutathione production needs a natural source of Vitamin C. (Synthetic abounds…. try to avoid it if you can…. it’s derived from GMO’d corn). #justsaynotoGMO
My favorite source of naturally sourced Vitamin C is Young Living’s Super C Chewables. It also comes in a non-chewable form, but I take them daily as a healthy “treat” ’cause they’re kinda tasty!
Thirdly, glutathione production needs a source of Magnesium. Natural sources are always best ( dark chocolate, avocados, nuts, beans, chickpeas, pun’kin seeds), but once again…. soils are depleted of minerals, so I supplement. Young Living does not yet stand in the gap for us for this supplement, but I’ve found a plant based brand I feel comfortable recommending: NATURELO Magnesium Glycinate.
π Finally…. selenium and Vitamin E… both are needed in small amounts. I take a supplement that has trace amounts of selenium, and that… in combination with mushrooms, grass fed beef, eggs, and oatmeal will do my body good.
Natural sources of Vitamin E include nuts, sunflower seeds, spinach and broccoli, so I’m pretty well covered there as well.
Other ways to boost glutathione production:
πexercise! #justdoit
πVitamin B’s…. (folate, B6, & B12)
πMilk Thistle
π Prayer & Meditation (would you believe that regular practice of these has been found to boost glutathione production by as much as 20%?) #Godwantsushealthy
Alrighty friends…. signing off for now. Stay tuned for Post #7… there’s lots more to unpack!
Holler at a friend who practices a Young Living healthy lifestyle (or at me) if this series has interested you and you’d like to learn more.
(and as always, this post is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or tell ya what to do in the case of a pandemic… I am not a doctor…. just a pharmacist who has been around the block a few times π)
xoxo~ liz