Assessing Stress – part 1
Alrighty friends, we are going to tackle a booger bear over the next few weeks. Stress is a stealth burglar of health. It can creep up on you, knock you to your knees and follow up with a sucker punch in the gut before you even knew what hit ya. Nobody is immune to the negative influences of unmitigated chronic stress. Oftentimes, we can get so caught up living with stress, it begins to “feel” normal.
God did not design us to live in eternal “fight or flight”. If we do live this way, eventually a health crisis will occur. The Holmes-Rahe Stress Inventory Survey📊 is a widely recognized health coaching tool used to help assess the probability of future “health breakdowns” if stress remains unaddressed.
Take some time to honestly assess yourself.
👍150 points or less: a relatively low susceptibility to stress induced health problems
150-300 points: (if nothing changes) a 50% chance of a stress induced health concern in the next 2 years.
300: an 80% risk of a stress induced health concern within the next 2 years.
Frankly, assessing your stress load (and how well you mediate it) just might be the most important clue🔎 of this series.
I’ll be unpacking additional clues and ways to mediate chronic stress next week. Thankfully, stress management is not an expensive undertaking… there is so much you can do affordably or for free. The hardest part is honestly acknowledging the damage stress may be causing behind the scenes. What you can’t see is still causing harm. Some studies suggest chronic stress is as hard on the heart as a five🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬 cigarette a day habit. Yikes!😳
See ya’ll next week. I’m headed off to bulk order Stress Away!😉
xoxo~ liz
Anatomy Of Industry: Commerce and Betrayal
How can there be unbiased information from our medical industry when money exchanges hands between provider and drug company.
You scratch my back….. I’ll scratch yours.
Even if you do not read the attached article(in the black box below), I’d like to point one name out…. Dr. Sanjay Gupta…… a well known medical correspondent for CNN and social media medical advisor…. if you follow CNN or know someone who does, it’s likely his advice would have been heeded at some point. (He’s made over 1.6 million $$ from back scratching with Big Pharma ).
Lesser known, Dr. Stephen Stahl’s pockets are at the top of the heap…. at 8.6 million $$. He’s considered a foremost expert on psychopharmacology, and has written over 500 papers, 35 text books, and edited 12 more. You can imagine how much influence he has in academic circles. He talks…. people listen.
There’s been some serious back scratching going on there.
Y’all…. there will always be a time and place for Western Medicine pharmacology, but not like this. Vested or veiled interests usually ends in tweaking information leaning towards the hand that feeds. It’s illegal in the government (supposedly ) , it’s illegal in the stocks and bonds industry, it’s prohibited in jury selections….. the list goes on.
Psych drugs are enormously profitable.
It’s a rare day when someone who starts down the path of being on a psych med is able to get off of them. Most of them are not classified as being addictive, yet try getting off of even one (much less a handful of them, as is usually the end case), and the body very much responds negatively. It can certainly be done, with medical supervision and a great deal of time…..each one of the medications so severely alters neurotransmitter production in the body.
We humans are not “medication deficient”. It’s far more complicated than that. The number of psych drugs prescribed (1 in 6 people are on one or more in the USA) is a pure reflection of two things….. the brokenness of our world, and the lack of delving adequately into the root of the problem. How many people who embarked on their medication journey had extensive (and I mean EXTENSIVE) lab work to rule out hormone or nutrient imbalances and committed to God centered compassionate counseling? Only when these fail to bring results should medication be brought in to the picture.
I leave you with this sobering stat: According to the American Addiction Centers website, more people die from psychiatric medication overdose than those who die from heroin overdose in our country. (The biggest killers are the most common ones…. Xanax , Ambien, anti-depressants, psycho-stimulants (ex Ritalin), and anti-psychotics…. in order of prevalence). I can’t imagine what the mayhem of 2020-2021 has done to those numbers in the last two years. (article below in gray box)
Please. Watch whom you get your health information from….. whether it’s on a topic like this, or another. If money is exchanging hands, you can be assured that the information has been tweaked to benefit the financial benefactor. This is only one aspect of the industry. You may be shocked about who else’s backs are being scratched. Well known names. 2020-2021 names that everyone now knows.
xoxo~ liz
Sleep in Heavenly Peace
🎶🎶 Sleeeeep in heavenly peace……🎶 🎶
Roughly 1/3 of the US population has at least occasional problems either falling asleep or staying asleep, and over time, sleeplessness will become a tremendous health problem if not addressed properly. (emphasis on the properly!)
There are more than 2 handfuls of common reasons why people have trouble sleeping (way more than I can cover here today).
What’s concerning are the number of people who ultimately turn to prescription medication to help get a “good night’s ” sleep. We have been conditioned to believe that if a doctor writes a prescription, the benefits surely outweigh the risks. While this is sometimes true, it’s not always the case. “Sleeping pills” are what we call ‘fast movers’ in pharmacy…. ie: they are a popular item.
Not so fast…. let’s take a look at a few lesser known truths about some common (Ambien, Klonopin, Lunesta, Restoril, Xanax, Sonata) prescription sleep aids:
😴None of these are approved by the FDA for long term use, yet people are on them for years.
The sleep achieved using any of these is not natural, refreshing, or restorative. The sleep you get is an artificial sleep and your body recognizes the difference. Our body does its repairing and recovering during “natural sleep”, and that doesn’t happen to any appreciable degree when using the above medications. (In addition, by their very definition, they are an additional toxin the body must now work extra hard to clean out.)
😴All of the above prescription meds also block the body from being able to produce melatonin (the very hormone that helps us sleep). This is one of the reasons this group of prescription medications become addictive…. because your body produces less and less melatonin the longer you are on them.
😴Melatonin “deficiency” is a bigger problem than just not being able to sleep without a pill…. normal melatonin levels are necessary for immune function, having energy throughout the day, having healthy breast tissue, effective brain function, supports healthy cardiovascular function, improved GUT (yes!) health, eye health, and pancreas function (Just to name a few! 😍)
😴Additionally, several of these prescription sleep aids also deplete a body’s stores of Calcium and Vitamin D over time (which will ultimately affect your bones and about 400 other necessary functions in the body) 😬
I am thankful that we have natural choices instead of that which is advertised as ‘simple’ solutions in nearly every form of mainstream media you see.
My favorite Young Living products that help me have a restful restorative night’s sleep are RutaVala (on the base of the big toe and in the belly button! and Immupro …. it’s back 🙌). I also love Frankincense and Peace & Calming!)
What’s your “go to” for a good night’s sleep?
xoxo~ liz
A Victory Over Opioid
The USA consumes 95% of the world’s opioid products. 😔
Is it because we have more pain?…. or is it because there has been wolves in sheep’s clothing in Big Pharma in our country? I’m not a huge fan of CNN, but I was happy to see their article (below) today.
There are many “alternative” ways to manage pain that are underutilized. Frankly, I blame the insurance companies too….. for, more often than not, refusing to pay for many of the “alternative” modalities. It is my belief that pain relief should fall under the “Right to Try Act” that was passed a few years ago. I’ve watched and heard of way too many people dying of accidental overdoses from legal drug use. It happens. Don’t kid yourself into thinking it couldn’t happen to you or someone you love.
According to a legal eagle I know, this particular settlement is rather open ended (meaning families can still be compensated for bodily harm and wrongful death), although no amount of money could be compensation for someone’s life.
It’s been good to see this particular division of Big Pharma tighten up prescribing. Long term opioid use is an interesting creature. The more you use it to block pain, the more sensitive to pain you become…. so it’s really not a great answer for chronic pain (not to mention the dangers of it all).