It’s an interesting thing (and not in a good interesting way
) how hard people work to bend systems put in place to give people both protection and choices. Imagine if all that effort went instead to actually making the world a better place! 

I’m sure you have heard the word “greenwashing”. We tend to think of that term as one that pertains to the cosmetics, household cleaners, and personal care products world. “Those” who employ their crafty ways to make a product appear clean and good for all of us, when in fact….. the product is NOT that way at all. They use all the “right” terminology to make you think they are “clean” through their advertising (and perhaps so you won’t take the time to read
the actual ingredients
), when in fact, the product is loaded with badness. (Thank goodness for Young Living’s Thieves Household Cleaner line and the personal care products….. we can actually trust what the label and advertising say…… although don’t believe me…. read the labels yourself

Sadly, greenwashing in the food industry is a problem too. Do these chickens look happy? I’m sure when someone buys these “organic” chickens
at the grocery store, they think they are getting some formerly happy free-range birds….. all while paying a PREMIUM price for them. (This happens all the time in the egg
industry too btw.)

Best practice? Know your farmer personally. And if that isn’t feasible, know someone who does know the farmer. AND, if that isn’t feasible, find a place where full transparency is in order. Here are some of my favorite places to buy chicken. (We have our own personal beef source from our farm).
Let’s help our fellow peeps out….. where do you source truly organic free-range animal protein?