Here in North Texas, we went from Summer weather to Winter (29 degrees) in the blink of an eye, and now it’s November with Thanksgiving and Christmas right around the corner! With all of the gatherings planned, along with shopping, and big “to-do” lists before the end of 2023, Young Living ushers in the season for us with a great group of freebies for November.
Who uses Grapefruit regularly? If not, please reconsider! With the holiday munchies available everywhere you turn, we need all the help we can get. Studies like this can be found on the YL website, indicate that getting grapefruit into your daily habits might be a great addition as we navigate the next few months of carbs and sugar!
Sometimes the overwhelm can kick in this time of year, and it can be challenging to remember the reason we are “doing all the things” or that we have the ABILITY and Resources to do anything…. much less…. all the things. We receive Gratitude with gratitude this month as a freebie. Nope…. this oil isn’t magic (tho it does smell lovely!), but it does bring intention and attention to the room. Words matter, and a specific scent paired with a word helps the brain recall the reason. (Plus, I love that there are oils in this blend that actually stimulate certain neurotransmitters that are present when gratitude is in play ).
Inner Defense. The best offense is a great defense! Inner Defense is a brilliant support to keep handy for those days when you just are not feeling up to par. It’s also a FABULOUS tool in terms of prevention.
PROTIP: I travel with a bottle of ID because when we travel we often run into cooties that like to ruin the trip. I take 1 capsule a day (always take it with fatty food!) preventatively whenever I’m on the road OR whenever I know I’m going to be in a big crowd of people.
One Heart is an oil blend that was introduced in support of the Young Living Foundation. WHAT?? You didn’t know that YL had a not-for-profit foundation benefitting people all over the world? They do, and have impacted people’s lives in ways that nurture, rescue (literally!), and protect. In essence, the YLF does “in the physical” exactly what the oils and products do for each of us. One Heart is a beautiful (and helpful!) fragrance that contains pricey oils like jasmine, frankincense, ocotea, northern lights black spruce, and more. Not only is this a great oil to drop into your diffuser, but remember that each oil within a blend has specific properties that act upon our body…. and this particular blend has some great ones that support the body all year round. “Perfume with a purpose” .
RC is a “must-have” on standby (and inaction) for this time of year. We tend to think of RC as for “respiratory and congestion”, but leaving it at that would mean underutilizing its capabilities. RC is a blend of oils that are also great for focus and energizing. I know several people who also carry this oil to their pedi appointments and drop a few drops in the soaking water.
Sometimes the holiday season brings out the grouchy in even the most cheerful of folks. PROTIP: It’s just hard to be grouchy when Citrus Fresh is in the room…. so drop this beauty into the diffuser and watch moods change for the better! Turns out, it’s not our imagination…. there’s science to back it up. (homework: go read about Citrus Fresh in the “discover our research” portion of the Citrus Fresh writeup on the YL website).
Happy November friends! I’m curious…. who has Inner Defense in their home already? Give me a if you do! (If not, here’s your chance to get it for freeand save some money in the process! As they say, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. )
xoxo~ liz