The Colon: Trouble Down Under Part I We’ve arrived at the end of the digestive tract. 😍 The amazing and infinitely special colon is really where my own health “awakening” began about 20 years ago. Connecting clues that lead to the true status of your colon may very well also reveal a great deal about overall physical and emotional health. As Hippocrates said (paraphrased!)….. “If your colon ain’t happy, neither will you be.” It’s true. 60-70 million people in the USA have digestive disorders that most often originate from colon dysfunction. 👩⚕️What if you also were to add in the 43.8 million who visit the doctor annually for emotional health or sleep pattern issues whose root cause is digestive dysfunction? 👩⚕️……. Or the 30 million who have chronic inflammation of bones and joints as a side symptom of colon inflammation? 👩⚕️…….. Or the 50+ million (and growing!) who suffer from an autoimmune disease thanks to a leaky gut? Those numbers are staggering. Roughly HALF of the population in the USA has an official diagnosis (dysfunction) whose root cause could be traced back to gut dysfunction. And friends…… this doesn’t even include the people who don’t poop WELL 2-3 times a day, regularly…….because they consider it “normal” for them. #toxinoverload I’ve just given you an ENORMOUS pile 💩 of health clues you can use with those statistics alone. If you aren’t pooping, bigger things lay on the horizon (if they haven’t already begun expressing themselves subtly). Here at the tail end of the alimentary canal, we need to go back to the beginning……. all the way back to babyhood….. because that’s where your health story began! EARLY YEARS GUT HEALTH QUIZ Give yourself one point for answering each one of these questions “yes”. This might be a good time to phone your mama if you aren’t sure of your answers! 1.I was a preemie 2.I was born C-section 3.I was formula fed 4.I had reflux pretty badly as a baby 5.I was a sickly little kid and was on 3 or more rounds of antibiotics and supportive medication before I started kindergarten. 6.I grew up on fast food, processed packaged food, and can’t recall eating that many fruits and veggies. 7.I missed school fairly regularly in elementary school due to illness. 8.I spent most of my time indoors growing up 9. I had lots of allergies as a kid (and perhaps still do!) 10. I didn’t receive any probiotics or probiotic based foods on a regular basis that I can recall. For each “yes”, the odds of living with a colon in need of TLC as an adult rises. You see, we have roughly 3-4 lbs of bacteria within us, the largest portion found within the colon. Literally, our bacteria outnumber us cellularly 10:1. They are the “voting majority” in our bodies, and have the ability to perform many functions, including turning our body’s genetic expression on and off. It is extraordinarily important that the good bacteria be there to help us fight off unhealthy over-colonization of “bad” bacteria, viruses, fungi, and yeasts. Over- colonization of the “bad guys” will eventually affect the body and mind in a negative way if not controlled. Research has shown conclusively that the colonized bacteria we have in our guts by the age of 2 years strongly influences our health for the rest of our lives. Things happen, and as babies, we obviously have no control over our own lives, but just knowing the answers to the above questions may help piece together why you may have struggled in other areas of your life both physically and emotionally. Thankfully, there are things we can do to support and help our guts heal! This conversation will be continued….. but for now…. Do you poop daily? 💩If you do not….. This is the biggest clue of all clues! *Important tools I strongly encourage for supporting a healthy gut are Young Living’s probiotic Life 9 and YL’s digestive enzyme line ( Essentialzyme, Essentialzymes-4, Detoxzyme, or Allerzyme) to consistently incorporate into daily life. *Other tools to consider incorporating to improve bowel regularity: Young Living’s Cleansing Trio Kit (an economical way to get ICP, Comfortone, and Essentialzyme). Plenty of filtered water daily, healthy food choices, and exercise!…. The more you move the more your intestines will move too! *If you have a youngster who struggles with pooping or who has had early childhood experiences like the quiz questions above…. Young Living’s MightyPro probiotics and Mightyzyme chewable digestive enzymes for kiddos are formulated for a time such as this! xoxo~ liz #sharingiscaring #digestivehealthclues #healthcluesyoucanuse #goodmedicine #showyourcolonsomelove #yougottapoopdaily #ThanksYL |