👏👇👇👇👏 THIS. 👏👇👇👇👏
This is why I do what I do during “normal” life…….educate my extended family here, in small private groups (online and in person), and one on one for those who need personalized help.
IF we would ever be allowed to see the full and truthful data …. case by case, of those who have lost their lives to this particular virus at hand, I know in my heart of hearts, that those who died had been set up to fail.
A weakened immune system (or any other body system) rarely happens spontaneously. There are triggers.
Surely, lifestyle choices are just that…. a choice. But misleading advertising, mainstream media, sometimes questionable recommendations by world heath organizations, outright sabotage by companies in it for the almighty dollar, and even Google algorithms make it hard to decipher truths that lead to health. A lifetime of this nearly always yields an unfortunate outcome…. thru death or a decreased quality of life. I see it in the pharmacy daily.
Until a person enlists their God given critical thinking skills and begins to piece together information and develop an action plan that is beneficial for their immune system and overall health, that person is literally at the mercy of people and organizations whose motives may have more to do with profit and power than the well being of mankind.
It ends here in my tribe. #joinus!
If you’re part of my community (beyond this page), I pray you’ve been blessed beyond measure in all areas of your life. That’s my hope and vision and business model. 💕
I am your scout, your tour guide, and your park ranger…. and I wouldn’t be here if I hadn’t been duped too years ago.
#neveragain #eyeswideopen
Let’s chat.
xoxo ~ liz