Interesting article on lavender and bergamot use (3 times a day for 8 weeks) in a study involving 50-60yr old menopausal women who were experiencing menopause related “moderate anxiety and some sexual dysfunction”, but were otherwise healthy. (I am interpreting this to mean they did thorough labwork beforehand… key point!
…. otherwise they might be overlooking a bigger fish that needed frying!)

This is not a one size fits all situation. Everyone is different and labwork offers a personalized trail. This doesn’t mean labwork or lavender/bergamot alone are singular answers to a potentially complex problem…. but perhaps they might be in some cases.
Lavender and bergamot are stellar oils (but only when they are high quality ones such as Young Living’s, and when they are used with purposeful regularity for this particular situation). Imagine the women (and their spouses and families
) who might be relieved by something so simple as using lavender and bergamot three times a day. Labwork, lavender and bergamot are infinitely safer than most modern world common “solutions”.

Other items I’ve personally found helpful for keeping me younger than my chronological years (in addition to regular and purposeful exercise, healthy diet, and adequate sleep!) : Alternating between Young Living’s Femigen and PD 80/20 capsules, Progessence Plus serum used nightly, and of course…. Sensation Massage oil
. Everyone is different, but menopause doesn’t have to be an unpleasant period of life.

Worth the try? You bet! (link to Lavender and Bergamot…. and Sensation Massage oil)

xoxo~ liz