The following plea for assistance is from one of my most favorite organizations: Weston A Price Foundation. As a fellow farmer with dairy cows of our own, I can attest to the crazy stupid prices of farming this year. The drought down here is real, and it’s at least doubled the cost of doing business, if not even more than that.
If you can, please consider sending over a few bucks to help this farm out. Raw milk is hard to come by for the general public, and each and every raw milk dairy needs protection. “They” would like nothing more than to see all food types fully under “their” control. If you control the food, you’ll control the people.
Raw milk is healing. Raw milk is medicine for many. It was for me. It was key in reversing my own story of osteopenia and improving my cholesterol ratios back when I was 33. My bones at 55 are much healthier than they were 25 years ago thanks in large part to raw milk. That story is the reason we have dairy cows now, and the reason we are willing to do the hard things so we will always have personal access to raw milk. Not everyone is able to have their own dairy cows, so farms like Swan’s Dairy in Oklahoma stand in the gap. Please. Do consider helping them so they may continue to help others have access to quality food. Grocery store milk (homogenized and pasteurized) is a beast…. it has the power to take you down, unlike raw milk. I’m happy to talk for hours about this topic if you are interested. .
Here’s the info from Weston A Price:
Swan’s Dairy of Claremore, Oklahoma has been providing raw milk to Oklahomans since 1923. This family dairy has been a reliable source for raw milk, raw cream, raw cheese, grass-fed meats and locally prepared foods for decades and is a fixture in the natural food community.
Unfortunately, 2022 has been extremely trying for this dairy. For several months they were required to cease their raw milk sales during an investigation by the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food, and Forestry (ODAFF). They cooperated fully and waited, along with their loyal customers, for approval to resume sales of raw milk products as the months dragged on.
The dairy was finally permitted to resume raw milk sales this summer, but months of waiting for the ODAFF to resolve the matter took a hefty toll on the dairy’s ability to stay afloat. Each week that this ordeal continued equated to around a $5,000-$7,000 loss per week in sales. The dairy endured this loss for nearly eight months. This, along with inflation, drought in the region, and the expense of feed and hay, has become a real threat to the future of this dairy.
Please make a donation to help Swan’s Dairy survive at
If everyone makes even a small donation, it can help Swan’s continue to provide raw milk to growing children and individuals seeking nutrient-dense whole food.