Hello Sunshine! 🌞
Have you started spending time in the sun already this spring? Before you grab your traditional bottle of ray blocker….. consider these facts:
There are more than 6 common sunscreen ingredients that should cause you to raise a hairy eyebrow and think twice. Common ones include:
☠️ avobenzone
☠️ oxybenzone
☠️ octocrylene
☠️ ecaamsule
☠️ homosalate
☠️ octisalate
☠️ oxtinoxate
Frequently we hear that most commercial sunscreens are banned in areas where there are coral reefs.🐙🐠🐟🐬🐡 Why is that? Certainly because these ingredients are derived from petroleum (and we all know what an oil slick does to an ocean environment!)….. but think about this, coral reefs are living breathing organisms, and toxins affect them!
News flash! So are we!
Would you use a product known to disrupt your endocrine system, lower sperm count, increase cancer risk, or cause skin or respiratory tract irritation (think COPD, emphysema or asthma prone peeps)?
I’m sure none of us would. Truly, it’s what you don’t know that can hurt you.
A recent study has found that these toxic ingredients are not only pretty problematic, they are also bio-accumulative…… meaning that it’s very hard to remove them from your body once they get in there.
For example…..( in this particular study) blood concentrations of oxybenzone (just one of the dangerous 6 listed above) soared to more than 180 times the FDA’s level of concern after a single application of sunscreen. Blood levels continued to rise to more than 500 times the FDA’s level of concern after 4 days (think vacation or pool time!) of regular use.
Now, factor in the bio-accumulative situation. 😳😱😬
It truly confounds me why these ingredients are even allowed to be on the market here in the USA. 😳… especially since the FDA is aware of this data. It’s their own information!
Thankfully, we have YL Sunscreen. No bad stuff peeps…. only good! Rest easy. Apply liberally. Enjoy the sun!
xoxo~ liz