About 6 1/2 years ago, I ripped open the two oz NingXia Red packet that was in my YL Starter Kit and drank it. It was tasty, but I didn’t yet understand the significance, or the science behind what I had just consumed (other than that it was mighty tasty! ☺️). It wasn’t until I read the book you see in this picture, that I got a fuller understanding of just how much purpose was in that packet.
If you are a science nerd like me, this book will make your heart go pitter patter. (You can find it at www.DiscoverLSP.com)
I’ve heard soooooooo many personal stories about NingXia Red since I started drinking it myself. One of my health stories is this….. see those glasses on the table beside the book? They aren’t for reading and they aren’t for driving. I started wearing glasses when i was a Junior in college for nearsightedness.Well, the longer I drank NingXia Red consistently, the more my glasses started bothering me…. like my prescription was too strong. 😳 About 5 years ago, I went to my optometrist and had to get a weaker prescription. A couple years ago, I pretty much quit wearing glasses entirely.
I still carry them in my truck and do wear them if it is night time and I’m driving in an area I’m not familiar with…. but 99% of the time, I am glasses free. (The glasses you see on the table are blue blockers for protecting my eyes from the computer screen).
Can we talk science and genetics for a second? My family has a strong history of age related macular degeneration. My grandmother went blind from it and other older family members have it now. Protecting my eyes is high on my priority list.
Wolfberries are loaded with zeaxanthin and lutein, both of which have been shown to help support eye health in dramatic ways. Wolfberries are one of the main ingredients in NingXia Red.
A sweet friend of mine once said to me:
“You can pay the farmer 👩🌾 now, or you can pay the pharmacist 👩🔬 later.”
Truer words could not be spoken.
Is NingXia Red worth it? Are my eyes worth it… not to mention my brain and heart health? Absolutely.
Everyone’s NingXia Red story is different than anyone else’s because we are uniquely made…..I’d love to hear your NingXia Red success story!
xoxo~ liz
(If you’d like to try NingXia Red and do not currently have a Young Living membership, please message me!)
PS: see that little cardinal peering thru the window? I didn’t notice him until I had taken the picture. Cardinals were my grandmother’s favorite bird ❤️. I’d like to think she just gave her nod of approval to this message!