Charlie and I woke up early this morning (a normal thing!
) and one of the first things we talked about was how fast November arrived this year. Soooooo fast! This year is scooting by!

The first of every month is a little like Christmas…. getting to see what Young Living is offering us for free (with qualifying purchase)!
Loyalty rewards are like getting a gift card with your 100PV purchase. 10 points spend just like
in the Young Living store on an order in the future. If you are not yet using Loyalty rewards as part of your thrifty shopping, you are missing out on savings! 10-25% back on your purchases? YES PLEASE!

YL Vitality Drops ($10….but free this month!). Did you know that the vast majority of people living in the USA have a fairly significant electrolyte imbalance and don’t even know it? Gatorade and other sugary (or fake sugar) drinks designed to boost electrolytes are helpful, but they create an even bigger problem by causing inflammation in the body (both sugar and fake sugar does this). Get your electrolytes with a healthier alternative that tastes delicious too! YL Vitality drops is an electrolyte blend that also contains more than 70 naturally occurring trace minerals ….. something else we tend to be deficient in. (The Grapefruit Bergamot flavor is my favorite!). What does a mild electrolyte imbalance look like or feel like? Glad you asked! ……. dizziness, irregular heartbeat, brain fog, fatigue, muscle cramps, constipation, headaches. (When you have the opportunity to try a product for free….. take advantage of it! You never know what you might be able to accomplish with it! I’ve had several ah-ha moments in my walk with YL that have been health game changers for me personally!)
Thieves Hand Sanitizer (the big one… 7.6oz member value $36.75ish I don’t think the large size is even available to buy right now ) ….. it seems like we live with year round germ season. Thieves doesn’t just help reduce infectious germ
spreading, it also has a little bit of extra ooomph. It also helps support a healthy immune system. You won’t find that in your standard hand sani’s.

I know so many people whose “gateway” oil was/is DiGize (member value $37.75…. but free this month!). Why is that? Well, it’s because our guts are assaulted in 1001 different ways, and if you experience any 

(or lack of
!) occasionally, DiGize just might become your new bestie. Apply directly to the belly button (don’t knock it til you’ve tried it!) for some quick relief. (Side note…. if you have any really stinky gym clothes, I add a few drops of DiGize to my laundry detergent and it does a fantastic job of giving my clothes a fresh scent. If you’ve ever struggled with gym clothes laundry funk, you can thank me now for this tip!

Thieves Chest Rub (member value$30….but free here!). We have all gone thru a couple of years of really nasty hacky cold and flu seasons, and this is one staple you do NOT want to not have on hand when you have a house full of hackers
. Not only does Thieves Chest Rub help loosen up and relieve the hacking, remember….. it’s also got Thieves in it. And what does Thieves do?….. it helps support a healthy immune system. News flash…. if you’re hacking
, your immune system needed some support like yesterday!

Digest and Cleanse ( member value $31.75…. but free this month!) had been unavailable for forever and a day, and I know some people are doing the happy dance 
that it’s back in action. Tis the season for eating and over eating. These capsules are loaded with ingredients that stimulate digestion. For those of you who don’t like the smell of DiGize topically, this is a fantastic “on the go” (pun intended!) capsule for a sluggish or overtaxed digestive system.

And finally….. my friend Frank! Most people think of baby Jesus when they hear the word Frankincense (member value $84.75….but free this month!). And while anything that was good enough for Jesus is good enough for me, there’s more to Frankincense than simply a good smelling gift given by a very wise man. Even back in the day, Frankincense was known for its amazing health and wellness properties. Today…. if you were to simply search the word frankincense in pubmed.gov, you’d find over NINTY SEVEN PAGES of studies on the effects of frankincense on the body. I urge you to let your fingers do the walking and just spend a few minutes learning about this powerhouse of an oil. I use it daily in my DIY face serum (because of the effects it has on the skin), and in doing so….. I experience other beneficial results throughout my body and mind. It truly has been an amazing (and dare I say, miraculous!
) addition to my healthy and wellness world for me personally.

Which freebie(s) are you most excited about this month? 

xoxo~ liz
(PS: if you are not yet a YL member, and are looking for someone to help guide you on your health and wellness journey, I’d love to help you! Message me or get started here: https://tinyurl.com/vt3bnufw