Here we are…. entering into the 9th month of 2022. I can’t believe we are 2/3 of the way thru the year…. can you?
Young Living is giving us the opportunity to be freely armed and ready when we feel like we’ve gotten that karate chop behind the knees that takes us out for a day or two with a box of Kleenex in hand. Better still, they are also giving us a few key tools to help stay healthy and able to tackle the daily “do list” while other around you seem to have struggling immune systems.
Let’s take a look here at the gifts we have the option to receive:
If you’re not on Loyalty Rewards, you are missing out on receiving 10-25% back on your monthly order in the way of points you can then use on products to keep you and your home free from toxic alternatives. You can learn more about Loyalty Rewards here: https://www.youngliving.com/us/en/learn/loyalty-rewards Our household has been blessed with thousands of dollars worth of free products over the 8 years we’ve been using Young Living. Thousands of dollars of products that have helped keep us out of the doctor’s office, supported our immune systems, and allowed us to avoid common household toxins which create epigenetic and hormonal cellular challenges (none of us wants that!

Loyalty rewards is an option for any monthly order over 50PV per month. This month, Loyalty Reward members get an extra 10points added to our accounts to spend as we please when we order 100PV of healthy home products. That’s 10% off of what you just spent! 

More products for free? Certainly!
Thieves: I don’t know a soul whose immune system wouldn’t benefit from a little more Thieves in the world. I use Thieves daily in a roller bottle on the bottoms of my feet. Here’s my personal blend of choice: Thieves, Lemon, Pine, and Geranium to keep myself going. Of course, the lemon, pine, and geranium are optional, but if you know, you know…. those three are special for the times we live in, and Thieves does a mighty fine job of immune system support for all the other junk that comes our way.
R.C. : R as in Respiratory and C as in Congestion. The name stand for itself. Use in the diffuser, on your chest or back….. rub onto the bottoms of your feet with a little carrier oil and put some socks on. I know of people who also take this jewel to pedicure appointments and put a few drops in the warm foot soaking water.
SniffleEase: Tho formulated for the littles, I know biggies who use this with great success on themselves too. Same principles apply…. use in the diffuser, on the chest or back, or bottoms of feet. Please, for the love of your child, do not use toxin loaded stuff you may have gotten from the pharmacy if your kiddo is loaded with boogers….. there’s a gentler way to support their little bodies respiratory system.
Breathe Again: Is yet another tool for respiratory system support….. it’s almost as though Young Living has kept up with current times and life in general. 
Back To School season, the cooler months of Fall, and the impending inflammatory sugar season (…. affectionately known as the holidays) are all things we can expect to happen this time of year. I alternate use between Breathe Again and RC when I feel I need the support. I also really happen to like the way both smell… kind of like a spa, so I diffuse them pretty regularly to make my personal environment a relaxing smelling experience.

Inner Defense: I learned about Inner Defense early in my years with Young Living. Let me just say this…… every household needs at least 1 bottle of Inner Defense FOR EVERY PERSON who weighs 80lbs or more. When you need ID, you need it right then. I cannot tell you the number of times I’ve received a phone call or text asking if I have an extra bottle to spare. Preparedness friends….. If you stock up on toilet paper and tuna fish, you should be keeping bottles of Inner Defense on hand too.
If you do not have at least one bottle on hand, this is your opportunity to get one for free. It is worth every penny to have these on hand…. because if you wait til you need it to order it…. IT’S TOO LATE. PRO TIP: If you have dogs like we do, this is a valuable pet health tool. I’ve avoided many a trip to the vet by incorporating Inner Defense into my arsenal of wellness tools for my dogs (My dogs all weigh over 50lbs. Consult the Animal Desk Reference for weight / amount to give).

To learn more about the breakdown of how you can get these products for free with your order, please visit the Young Living website to learn more: https://www.youngliving.com/us/en/company/monthlypvpromo
And finally, if you haven’t yet dipped your big toe into the wellness waters of Young Living, and today you’d like to…. I’d be honored to be your tour guide and coach. The more we lift each other up in health, the better the world is!