We’re on day 9 of the 14 Day Reset today, and the changes our group is seeing are so beautiful. Although the focus is on inflammation, much much more is happening (including the bonus of weight loss in some people). 

Here’s a video that ties in some of the teachings that have been released on emotions in the 14Day Reset group. The topic is too important not to share.
(The next round of 14Day Reset starts on April 10th!)
Kristi Zittle, I just love you! (She has been educating on emotions) I have listened to your video twice now, and I wanted to drop a science nugget in support of all you have been so generously sharing about emotions. I love when scripture and science bump into one another and truth comes out no matter which way you turn it. Proverbs 23:7 says “As a man thinks, so is he.” We’ve got to meditate(focus) on that which is good in God’s eyes….. especially the voices (those not from God) we hear whose intention is to tear us down. Are our thoughts about ourselves (and others too) Biblically based? What effect do these thoughts have on the hypothalamus
(and then ultimately the rest of the body)?…. listen and find out! 

In my mind, I tend to be more motivated when I know the “why”….. I was one of those kids who was always asking “why” growing up…it probably drove my parents crazy
. I pray this blesses someone today!

xoxo~ liz