Well well well….. that 1 pm call was very interesting. The 8 pm call will be more of the same but with different stories and different speakers.
I love learning from other people’s stories!

Some of the topics that were already covered at the noon call:

I’m curious about what tidbits the 8 pm CST call will hold for us!
Be informed so you can be the best CEO of your own body and also help those you love.
Remember: There’s a time and a place for medication (I lean towards emergent care as an example of this), but by and large, medication has consequences…… medication adverse events (whether that be in combo with other meds or a stand-alone event.. it’s all in the same grouping) are the #3 cause of death in the USA. It used to be listed as such….. now that sneaky CDC has it listed as “unintentional injuries” so as to avoid calling out the role Big Pharma plays in deaths (soooo sneaky 


These calls are NOT recorded.
1:00 pm CT and again at 8:00 pm CT
If you are currently a member of Young Living and would like to attend this evening’s call, please PM me.
If you aren’t yet a member of YL, but would like to be included in calls like this in the future, please PM me.