Liz James · ·
Liz James · ·
Liz James · ·
Liz James · ·
Liz James · ·
The view from here wasn’t pretty this morning . I wouldn’t trade farmlife for anything despite the curveballs North Texas weather throws at us. I will say, challenging days like this separates the farm folk from the city dwellers. I think back to our ancestors and admire them so much. I’m pretty tough and willing to do hard things on the regular, but the thought of our people in covered wagons or sod houses (both of which were part of my family’s history) in this kind of rain….I can’t imagine not having a dry warm place to retreat to with running water to rinse off all the mud.
Our ancestors (all of ours), were made of tougher cloth, or we wouldn’t be here . They endured life in ways we can’t easily imagine. I daresay, our current combined generations would have a hard time surviving if “common comforts” were taken away. It’s a good thing to get uncomfortable sometimes. It reminds us of our basic luxuries and it is in our uncomfortableness that we are most often innovative and experience growth.
That’s how I started my own health journey when I was in my 30’s. I was uncomfortable enough with my health situation that I was willing to seek a better way. 20+ later I thank God for that uncomfortableness!