I love that Young Living is on a constant quest to give us the very best. Not all essential oils are created equally… I’d never even consider asking a WallyWorld or even a Whole Foods brand to do what I’ve asked YL oils to do over the years. There’s a reason for that.

If I’m going to ask an oil to “do something “, I need for it to be able to consistently “do that thing”, and I also need to trust that the oil is even capable of “doing that thing”. Do you trust your oils enough to rely on them to “do that thing”?
Drop a GIF that represents one “thing” your EO’s help with.

Seed to Seal Science pillar: Advanced instrumentation (EA-IRMS)
I would like to introduce you to our newly installed arrivals in the Young Living Analytical Laboratory at GHQ: Elemental Analyzers (EA) for the Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometers (IRMS)!
Our new Thermo Scientific EA IsoLink #IRMS Systems perform automated isotopic analysis of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and hydrogen using bulk samples (solids like plant leaves, branches, flowers or resin, or liquids like essentials oils and vanilla).
These EA systems provide precise and sensitive measurement of #isotope fingerprints— carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and hydrogen isotopes— creating a unique chemical signature of each sample. This will provide our #scientists unique insights into the history and origin of #plant sources from around the #world.
These new EA systems support Young Living’s unending quest to combat adulteration of essential oils and are proof of #YL‘s continued support of our world-leading #authenticity program at the D. Gary Young Research Institute.